Quality Excellence and Security Policy
Organizations today face a continuous barrage of requests to improve quality. They may throw front-line staff into quality training workshops in the hope that this will improve the management of quality. Or management may decide to attend quality management workshops to become acquainted with the latest strategy; exposing themselves to Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, Process Management, and Quality Awards and so on. Yet somehow quality still remains an issue.
The development of a strategic quality plan is the key to determining the right quality initiatives for every organization. Without it, you’ll just move from one fad to the next. To get started, create a team of quality professionals who are responsible for ensuring the delivery of quality products and services to the organization’s customers. Some members of this strategic quality planning team might not be involved in the day-to-day responsibility of managing quality. Rather, they are impacted by quality and therefore have an important stake in the successful outcome of the strategic quality plan.